Engineering Service provider

Acquisition Criteria:

The wanted company is active in Personnel Hire, R&D, Engineering, Technology and IT consulting services, preferably in the High-end consulting services (Consultants preferably MSc or PhD level). These consulting businesses can be active in the following sectors:

  • High-tech systems & Machinery
  • Digital
  • Energy & Renewables
  • Aerospace & Defense
  • Telecommunications
  • Life Sciences
  • Chemicals
  • Automotive
  • Rail & Transportations
  • Maritime & Offshore

The buyer prefers Highly decentralized operations with highly autonomous country organizations (Germany, Switzerland and France) and targets with strong and ambitious management teams that want to reinvest. The aim is to exploit synergies in order to allow cross-selling with key account where the buyer is active, streamlining back-office and other cost reduction measures.

The Buyer (Revenues at €150M and Ebitda at 15%) is a leading international provider of R&D, Engineering, Technology, and IT consulting services. A Company with sufficient firepower available.