Home Design Furniture

Acquisition Criteria:

The Buyer, a European Furniture group, generating approximately €150 million in Revenue is looking to buy design furniture companies operating in its core areas, living-room furnishings, lighting, or other home design products.

The sector, which is mostly made up of small family-owned businesses with average revenues of EUR 10m, has traditionally struggled to gain access to large sources of growth capital. But its healthy conditions and attractive growth prospects mean the tables have started to turn.

Acquisitions should be complementary to its existing portfolio, and preferred targets are high-end local competitors with good market positioning, whose goods have a strong recognizable brand. The Buyer aims to get furniture companies (Target Revenues at €5/50 million, Target Ebitda 5-20%) in Europe and in the US market with a strong client base. The equity ticket is depending on the quality of earnings of the target. The proposed deal consists of a Share Deal on Majority up to 100%.

Special Situation: Prefer no distressed sellers

Secondary: Prefer to buy directly from founder/owner

Others: We can also evaluate Distributors