Fund Raising

Australia, the fastest growing market in the world.

Thanks to the partnership with a leading australian placement agent, we accompany you in the superannuation market that has the fastest growth in the world.


Australia has a large and growing pension market of global significance, representing a highly attractive source of capital for foreign asset managers.

Presently around $ 3,1 trillion1, representing the world’s 4th largest investment asset pool guaranteed inflows and capital growth are expected to result in assets under management of around $ 11 trillion by 20332.

As the fastest growing market in the world, Australia is anticipated to have the 2nd largest pool of investment capital globally by 2023.

Largest pension funds are globally significant approximately 40 funds with assets of more than $ 10 billion and 15 with more than $ 30 billion.

Industry consolidation will transform the top Australian superannuation managers to among some of the largest globally.


1Association of Superannuation Funds of Australia (ASFA), Superannuation Statistics, March 2021.

2Australian Trade Commission “Why Australia?” Benchmark Report 2017.